Worried about taking a vacation or a weekend getaway without your companion? Candie Paws has your back!! We take pride in making not only your pet comfortable and happy, but giving you peace of mind while you're away. We also encourage face timing and give daily updates on things your pet has done that day along with up coming adventures. We have serval beautiful clean and spacious condo’s in downtown Toronto for your pet to stay with one of our boarding nannies. Candie Paws only allows 4 dogs to stay at one time to insure everyone is happy and safe. While your pets stay with us we ask that everyone is up to date on vaccines and if they have any allergies to insure everything runs smoothly. 

- Nightly boarding rates are $65 a night but are subject to change if your pet is staying with us for longer than 1 week. Please ask for details.

- Holiday boarding rates are $80 a night.


Not only does your pooch need visits and attention while you are away but so does your cat. Candie Paws has recently added in this amazing service. Your companion will get the time and love they deserve in the comfort of their own home, while you are away at work or taking some much needed R&R. One of our 5 star walkers will come to your home and feed, change the litter and most importantly give the love your cat needs to be happy, healthy and sociable while you are away. This service provided for 30 minutes for $32. If you feel your companion needs more attention or has a medical issue please ask about our cat boarding.

- Rates may change if the services is more than once a day and/ or for a longer period of time. Please ask for details when inquiring.